St Andrew's C of E Primary School

  • We warmly invite parents of children due to start school next year to one of our Open Mornings to be held at 9am on 1st November and 6th December.  Please contact the School Office to book a place.

Welcome to
St Andrew's CE Primary School

Growing Learners to Live in God's World

Our deeply Christian ethos inspires our service to God and our community. Empowering children with transferrable knowledge and skills, and excellence in learning through our ambitious curriculum, prepares them for future success in a global and digital world. Young minds are encouraged to collaborate, be curious and deepen their understanding through fun, purposeful and memorable learning experiences. Children feel happy, safe, included and valued; confident in self-management and expression. Local and global partnerships enrich and enhance children’s opportunities, choice and experiences. 

St. Andrew's CE Primary School is a Church of England "Voluntary Aided" school firmly rooted in local community.  The responsibility for its administration is vested in the governing body.  Staff, children, parents and governors are committed to the school community, and we strive for the highest standards in all we do.  Both children and adults enjoy being here!  Teaching and learning focuses on the needs of the individual and we aim to "grow" our learners so they can flourish in God's world. Thank you for visiting our website. 

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the school on 01293 529006 or via the office email,  Visits to our school are most welcome.       

Mrs Jennifer Wise  (Headteacher)