British Values
At St Andrew’s C of E Primary School, we actively “promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
Our school principles of Wisdom, Grace and Hope link well into the British values. We maintain and uphold a school community where mutual respect, tolerance and democracy are key, and where the rule of law and individual freedom are respected. The values, while taught specifically in PSHE lessons, are also embedded across all areas of learning and school life. This supports pupils’ wider social, moral, spiritual and cultural development as well as preparing them for future life in Britain.
St Andrew’s promotes the fundamental British values in the following ways:
We live in a democratic society and this process is very important to school life. Pupils are encouraged to contribute both at a class level and at a whole school level. We communicate with and involve all stakeholders in decision making processes and regularly seek the involvement of the whole school community including staff, parents and governors.
Further examples include:
- Elected candidates for School Council, Eco Council, Worship Ambassadors and Student Librarians
- Whole school involvement in awarding DOJOS for our key learning behaviours, including pupils, staff, parents and governors
- Learning about the history of democracy within our Year 5/Year 6 Greek topic
- Class discussions (paired, grouped and whole class)
- Pupil interviews by Governors and SLT
- Pupil voice section on annual reports
- Pupil and parent voice in decisions regarding outcomes and provision for SEND children eg. outcomes in Individual Learning Plans, One Page Profiles etc (see SEND Information Report)
- Co-operation is a key learning behaviour linked to Grace
- Regular staff meetings
- Staff involvement in planning school events and reviewing policies
- Taking part in Junior Citizen
- Class monitors eg for letters, ICT, PE etc
- Open door policy (parents/carers), parent forums, consultations, questionnaires and workshops
- Involvement and agreement of pupils in drawing up class rules/rights and responsibilities
At St Andrew’s CE Primary School, our aim is to grow confident and respectful learners to live happily in God’s world, underpinned by a strong focus on developing a deep understanding of their place in the world; starting with their role at school, within the local community and beyond.
We strive to do this by delivering a high quality RE curriculum which enables all children to learn about Christianity as well as a range of other world faiths including Hinduism, Islam and Judaism. We provide a respectful environment where pupils and staff value and celebrate each other’s differences.
Some examples of the promotion of tolerance and mutual respect include:
- Our RE curriculum includes the study of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism
- Visits and visitors from different faith communities e.g. to local Christian churches, virtual tours and parents from different faiths, as well as religious workshops
- Large RE resource library including artefacts, online resources and a wide range of books including many children’s RE texts
- Recognising and learning about different cultural festivals eg Chinese New Year in the EYFS
- Learning different languages e.g. French in KS2, and greetings in other languages e.g. during the register
- Celebrating and experiencing other cultures through the Arts eg looking at artwork, music and dance from other cultures, linking into our key topics such as the rainforest, or Ancient Egypt.
- Respect is a key learning behaviour linked to Grace.
- Use of social stories and comic strip conversations to encourage respect and positive relationships with others
- Specialist TA support and group work for children with social communication difficulties
- Working with charities like the RNIB to encourage greater understanding of disabilities
- Regular parent forums, PTA events, staff, governor and pupil council meetings
- Following the school rules
- DOJOs awarded for pupils demonstrating respect (linked to Grace)
- Teaching of the Christian values of respect and collaboration.
- Pupil involvement in deciding rewards and sanctions, as well as input into Behaviour Plans
- Use of Zones of Regulation to promote the idea that feelings are natural, but that there re appropriate and non-appropriate choices resulting out of big feelings – children are encouraged to verbalise their choices and praised when making good choices.
- Use of behaviour plans, social stories, comic strip conversations and individual reward systems to help specific children understand rules.
- Clear expectations for behaviour across the whole school linked to whole school rules
- Embedded praise systems linked to whole school principles and learning behaviours
- Visits from the Police force and Fire Services
- Year 5/6 PSHE unit on the rule of law
- Internet safety day – training for parents/pupils and in school rules
- Clear rules and risk assessments in place to keep children safe.
- Policies and procedures followed and reviewed appropriately.
- Year 6 Cycling Proficiency Course
Pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe, supportive and caring, Christian environment. The education and boundaries we provide, prepare children to make the right choices, for example the use of consistent vocabulary linked to the Zones of Regulation. Pupils are given opportunities to build independence. Pupils are able to choose from a variety of extra-curricular activities to enhance their learning, as well as the option to enter competitions, organise events to support different charities and plan and lead assemblies.
- Whole school involvement in awarding DOJOS for our key learning behaviours, including pupils, staff, parents and governors
- Pupils have reflection time, to respond to Big and Little questions from worship each week.
- Staff are involved in leading subjects which includes planning, budgeting and staff development. Further SLT and Middle Leader training provide opportunities for career development and school improvement
- Playleaders support younger pupils in making good choices at break time
- Pupil input and voice valued through: School Council, Eco Council, Worship Ambassadors and Student Librarians
- Planning and leading charity events, e.g. bake sales, class stalls and non-uniform days and choosing charities to support e.g. OceanHub
- Planning and leading worship (small groups) and inputs for whole class assemblies
- Freedom of discussion within the classroom (lessons and class worship)
- Volunteering for Class jobs/monitors
- Choosing from differentiated learning tasks to suit their ability or challenges within the classroom
- Choice from a wide range of clubs including art, sport, music and languages (many free)
- Choosing books from the library and class reading corners, through the Accelerated Reader scheme
- Links with the wider community offer opportunities to learn outside the classroom eg sports competitions
- Some activities within classes allow space for personal choice and individual expression
- ‘Golden time’ for KS1/2 pupils where there is a free choice of activities
- Choosing whole class rewards for dojo points
- Personalised table top toolkits tailored to meet children’s sensory needs.
- Teaching of Christianity as the predominant British faith, through RE lessons and worship.
- Celebrating key National events eg school parties for Royal Weddings, the Queen’s Jubilee, important Royal birthdays and Shakespeare's anniversary
- Our Castle and Tiaras Topic in KS1, which includes learning about our Royal family and writing letters to the Queen
- Learning about and commemorating key dates in the British calendar e.g. Saints’ days, Burn’s Night and Remembrance Day
- Learning about important events in British history through our topic-based rolling programme
- Supporting our National teams during sporting events, like the Olympics and World Cup, through activities and assemblies
- Singing traditionally British songs and reading traditional British poems