Catch-Up Curriculum 
Growing learners to live in God's world
Our Christian ethos underpins and surrounds all that we do. We believe that learning should be engaging, challenging and purposeful. We aim to equip every child with the skills they need for lifelong learning and effective citizenship. We provide a welcoming, safe and supportive environment and seek to build partnerships with our families. Our desire is to serve God and our community, both locally and globally.
At St Andrew's Primary School, we are absolutely determined that no child’s education will suffer as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Wellness Learning
Throughout the pandemic, we have focused upon children's wellbeing and their physical health. We continue to teach the children about how to keep safe, and our changing rules depending on COVID restrictions. We encourage children to reflect on their feelings and emotions and teach them how to understand and manage them through The Zones of Regulation.
The ongoing focus on well-being, is to allow children to express themselves fully, to help teachers recognise any areas of concern, and to easily identify necessary support, if required. In addition to our skilled staff, we have a dedicated Pastoral Support Assistant who is on hand to support children and staff.
Academic Curriculum
We recognise that children will have accessed varying amounts of the school’s remote learning offer during lockdown. Children in all year groups may have missed out on parts of the curriculum, so our task is to regularly assess children’s learning and ask questions: What gaps, if any, do they demonstrate in their learning? What key skills and knowledge do they not have from the previous terms curriculum? What do they know and remember? What do they need to work on in order to progress? What is the crucial knowledge that we need to build into our planning for this term and beyond?
Careful short term plans made by teachers and their teams on bespoke approaches based upon what our children need inform teaching and learning.
Wider Foundation Curriculum Subjects
We continue to offer an ambitious broad and balanced curriculum that is directly targeted to the needs of our children. We cover all curriculum areas and include the rehearsal and consolidation of basic skills within these. We aim to provide enrichment days and weeks to enthuse and excite our learners. We hope to continue to invite parents in to share in their child's successes.
As part of our catch up curriculum, we have built-in regular opportunities to monitor and review how things are going which will inform our short, medium and long term plans.
Catch Up Funding
The government have pledged extra money to support us diminishing the difference in any Coronavirus related gaps. Please see our Catch-Up Curriculum Action Plan below to find out how we are using this money to support our children.
Catch Up Action Plan (Updated October 2021)
Please also find here the overview for our curriculum catch-up.
Catch Up Overview (Updated 2021)
We always look forward to hearing from you, so if you have any questions or queries about our catch-up curriculum, please contact the school office on or telephone 01293 529006.