Faith in Action

At St Andrew's, children, staff, parents and governors are committed to supporting a variety of charities, locally, nationally and globally. 

On this page we will outline just some of the ways we follow Jesus' example and shine his light in our actions within our community and across the world. 



Psalm of Praise

Recently, a pupil was inspired by collective worship and spent her class worship and her own time out of school writing a Psalm praising God. She set this to a tune and asked to share it with the whole school and use it to tell others about Jesus.  



Supporting Kaana - our partner charity in Uganda

Recently, the school raised money through dressing up in costume for World Book Day. We were able to give donations to Kaana as a result. Last term, our children gave a St Andrew's school uniform to a child in Kaana. This term, Maureen brought us a school uniform from Kaana. We invited Maureen and Anna to our Celebration Worship on Friday 4th March to share our donations with them before Maureen goes back to visit Uganda soon. We donated: a laptop, money for books and stationery and some sports equipment. 

The school Junior Chaplains also presented Maureen and Anna with a leaf for our celebration tree to give thanks for their hard work supporting Kaana. The children at St Andrew's also got a leaf for their compassion and kindness in raising money to improve the educational opportunities for children around the world. 




We raised £206 for Water Aid on World Water Day. 

HARVEST- Love your neighbour

Click here to read our Harvest Newsletter explaining how we supported Crawley Easter Team and Open House in their Harvest Appeals, jointly with the church. 

Here are some of our class's responses to our recent Harvest appeal - we were so impressed by their understanding of how our Christian values link to the work we do in supporting charities locally and around the world. 

Year 5 response to harvest



Click on the video link to learn more....



Children in Need 

Click on the picture below to watch our celebration of our Children in Need fundraising event.