Curriculum Intent Implementation and Impact
Our Curriculum at St Andrew's CE Primary School is carefully planned to ensure that the intent is clear, we implement this consistently and that impact is measured and shows at least good progress. Please click below for a brief overview of how we achieve this.
To view each subject's Intent Implementation and Impact statement in detail, please click on the links below:
Art Intent Implementation ImpactComputing Intent Implementation ImpactDesign and Technology Intent Implementation ImpactEnglish Intent Implementation Impact
Early Years Intent Implementation ImpactGeography Intent Implementation ImpactHistory Intent Implementation ImpactInclusion and SEND Intent Implementation Impact
Mathematics Intent Implementation ImpactModern Foreign Language: French Intent Implementation ImpactMental Health and Wellbeing (Pupils) Intent Implementation ImpactMental Health and Wellbeing (Staff) Intent Implementation ImpactMusic Intent Implementation ImpactPhysical Education Intent Implementation ImpactPersonal Social and Heath Education Intent Implementation ImpactReligious Education Intent Implementation Impact