Curriculum Intent
At St Andrew’s CE Primary School, there are strong links between our ethos, our curriculum, our collective worship and our relationship with our church and community. These stem from the foundation of our principles of wisdom, grace and hope and can be identified within our strap line of Growing Learners to Live in God’s World.

GROWING: Our focus is on ambitious and continuous development within a nurturing and supportive environment, recognising that different pupils will need different levels of support in order to achieve success. With hope at the root, it encompasses belief, aspiration, courage, perseverance, transformation and celebration.
LEARNERS: We want our learners to be equipped with the knowledge and skills for success in life. Our approach encourages active engagement and promotes lifelong learning. With wisdom at the root, it encompasses learning, truth, thinking, exploration, discernment and humility.
TO LIVE IN: Our ambition is for pupils to thrive, not just survive. The promotion of health and well-being and active citizenship contribute to this. These influence our relationships and behaviour. With grace at the root, it encompasses forgiveness, reconciliation, repair, love, awe and worth.
GOD’S WORLD: We want our pupils to understand more about God, to know and share His love and to follow Him into their futures. We want them to be contributors in their local community and respond to global issues. We aim to provide them with a broad range of cultural experiences. Our Christian distinctiveness is at the root.
This directly supports the Church of England’s Vision for Education (2016) - deeply Christian, with Jesus' promise of 'life in all its fullness' at its heart and seeking the common good of the whole community:
Educating for wisdom, knowledge and skills: enabling discipline, confidence and delight in seeking wisdom and knowledge, and developing talents in all areas of life.
Educating for hope and aspiration: enabling healing, repair and renewal, coping wisely when things go wrong, opening horizons and guiding people into ways of fulfilling them.
Educating for community and living well together: a core focus on relationships, participation in communities and the qualities of character that enable people to flourish together.
Educating for dignity and respect: the basic principle of respect for the value and preciousness of each person, treating each person as a unique individual of inherent worth.
This approach also supports the promotion of the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, tolerance and respect.
Our Curriculum
St Andrew’s follows the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 to ensure that we provide a structured programme of learning through the school. We aim to prepare our children for the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century and include the use of technology where this is appropriate. We teach children the importance of staying safe, both in the real and virtual world.
Each week pupils will be taught all areas of the National Curriculum, PSHE, RE and have a daily act of worship. At least 2 hours are devoted to physical activity each week. Skills and knowledge for foundation subjects are taught in a cross curricular way, covering the skills and content of the National Curriculum 2014. Our topics link different areas of the curriculum and give a purpose and context to learning. Our yearly plan is devised as a whole teaching team; paired planning takes place with Y1/2, Y3/4, and Y5/6 teachers. Science is linked where possible but it is also taught as a discrete subject.
St Andrew’s uses a themed approach to topic work, much of which is based on the children’s interests. Our ambitious topic-based rolling programme, linked to our 6 learning behaviours, ensures that learning is engaging, challenging and purposeful. We have high aspirations for our children and develop their courage and perseverance through appropriately challenging tasks. In our school, pupils grow and transform as learners, and achieve success, which is celebrated in quality, published pieces of learning. We aim to continuously develop children’s skills through a 3-week cycle of plan, teach, learn, assess and review, enabling pupils to retain knowledge in the long-term.
Please see our separate pages below for the following aspects of our curriculum, as well as our class pages under 'Learning'.
Please click here for our Teaching and Learning policy.
Please click here to see each subject's Intent, Implementation and Impact Statements.
Collective Worship
Our faith underpins all that we do and collective daily Worship is an opportunity to learn about our faith. Every Wednesday collective worship is led by a member of the clergy and takes place next door to our school in St Andrew’s church. Parents and members of our local community are most welcome to join us in church.