As a parent or carer of a child in our school you are automatically welcomed as a member of the ‘Friends of St. Andrews’. 

Who the Friends of St Andrews are:

The Friends is run by a small committee of parents that are elected at our AGM. Although the committee is small we rely on the support of a wider group of parents and carers to run events. 

The Friends have the following aims:

  1. To advance the education of our children by helping to provide additional facilities through fundraising activities,
  2. To enhance the community spirit of the school by working with parents, staff and the church community to organise social events and activities.

How can I get involved?

You can make a real difference through supporting our events and activities during the planning and running of the event. We would encourage you to get involved in any way that you can. For example:

  • Help organise an event, come to a meeting to find out more about current events being planned. 
  • Coming up with new fundraising ideas
  • Signing up to help on the day of the event to set up, run a stall, help with refreshments or to tidy away.
  • Coming along and supporting the event with your family and friends

It is easy to get involved; here’s how:

  • Come to one of our planning meetings – details are sent out regularly
  • Contact Chairperson Jennifer Wise, Maria Mattews (Vice-Chair), Jo Burdfield (Treasurer) Sam Kaylan (Secretary) Rebecca Shacklock, Katie Lunn, Emma Lloyd, Tim Lloyd or Kayleigh Nash (Trustees) for more details or email