Junior Chaplains

  • We are responsible for collecting the Big and Little Questions and putting them up in reflection corners.
  • We look after the Reflection Corners in our classes
  • We helping others to worship – brings people closer to God.
  • Work with Mrs Wise and Mrs Mulliss to plan and lead worship
  • We set an example by leading the call to worship and prayer in class and in whole school worship.
  • You need to be loving, caring and respectful. You don’t have to be a Christian you just have to help people reflect and make positive choices
  • Some of us also help younger children to reflect in class worship
  • We help to prepare ideas for the Prayer Spaces
  • Year 6 Junior Chaplains open the reflection gazebo cupboard and ask for prayer ideas
  • Junior Chaplains support others in their class if they need time to talk or want to ask advice from a friend


Most recent actions:

We planned, and led, the most recent 'Advent' prayer space together with Rev'd Jamie Gater. 

We have written prayers for peace on doves and tied them to a tree in the reflection garden



 We worked with Mrs Mulliss to create a prayer station for the church about working together. 

Here are some of our prayer ideas:


 We have our usual Friday celebration worship where children are given leaves for showing each of our school learning behaviours.