Knowledge and Skills Progressions
At St Andrew's we have high standards and expectations. We want our children to have the very best experiences and be the very best they can be.
Our Christian ethos underpins and surrounds all that we do. We believe that learning should be engaging, challenging and purposeful. We aim to equip every child with the knowledge and skills they need for lifelong learning and effective citizenship. We provide a welcoming, safe and supportive environment and seek to build partnerships with our families. Our desire is to serve God and our community, both locally and globally.
Please view our documents below that detail the knowledge and skills that pupils at St Andrew's CE Primary School will gain in each subject and at each stage of the curriculum. These are based on the national Curriculum Programme of study.
The knowledge and skills progression documents are currently being updated to reflect the EYFS framework.
Art Knowledge and skills Progressions
Computing Knowledge and skills Progressions
Design and Technology Knowledge and skills Progressions
Early Years Foundation Stage Knowledge and Skills Progressions
French Knowledge and skills Progressions
Geography Knowledge and Skills Progressions
History Knowledge and Skills Progressions
Mathematics Knowledge and Skills Progressions
Calculation PolicyMusic Knowledge and Skills Progressions
Phonics Knowledge and Skills Progressions
Physical Education Knowledge and Skills Progressions
Personal Social and Health Education Knowledge and Skills Progressions
Reading Knowledge and Skills Progressions
Religious Education Knowledge and Skills Progressions
Science Knowledge and Skills Progressions
Writing Knowledge and Skills Progressions