Our Mission Statement
Growing learners to live in God's world
Our Vision
Our deeply Christian ethos inspires our service to God and our community. Empowering children with transferrable knowledge and skills, and excellence in learning through our ambitious curriculum, prepares them for future success in a global and digital world. Young minds are encouraged to collaborate, be curious and deepen their understanding through fun, purposeful and memorable learning experiences. Children feel happy, safe, included and valued; confident in self-management and expression. Local and global partnerships enrich and enhance children’s opportunities, choice and experiences.
St Andrew's CE Primary School is a Church of England "Voluntary Aided" school firmly rooted in the local community. The responsibility for its administration is vested in the governing body. Staff, children, parents and governors are committed to the school community, and we strive for the highest standards in all that we do. Both children and adults enjoy being here! Teaching and learning focuses on the needs of the individual and we aim to "grow" our learners so they can flourish in God's world.
Our mission statement and vision is supported by the school’s principles, which have their origins in the Bible:
The Spirit will make you wise and let you understand what it means to know God
Ephesians 1:17
God told me “My grace is enough; it’s all you need”
2 Corinthians 12:9
“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord… “plans to give you hope and a future”
Jeremiah 29:11
These principles form the framework for our collective worship, and a different aspect is explored each week. These principles motivate us to service and demonstration of them in action is actively promoted.
Our Learning Behaviours
This year we have developed two learning behaviours for each of our existing principles (Wisdom, Grace and Hope). Weekly themes follow a rolling programme with one principle guiding our worship each week. This approach is embedded within collective worship, children’s friendships and behaviour. Within worship, children are asked a big and little question which helps them to apply the weekly theme to their life. Where children demonstrate the six learning behaviours, they are given Dojos and stamps. We are in the process of creating a central display for celebration of pupil achievements and demonstration of the principles.
Sharing a site means St Andrew's School and St Andrew's Church have a unique opportunity to work in partnership and the school is able to take advantage of the stunning facilities the church building offers. The church supports us in practical ways, such as providing coaches to mentor pupils who face emotional challenges. This is one example of how our partnership extends beyond the buildings as we reach out to support the local community.