Growing Healthy and Active Learners to Live in God’s World
At St Andrew’s CE Primary School, our PE curriculum is underpinned by our school principles: Wisdom, Grace and Hope, which are rooted in the Bible. Our aim is to grow healthy and active learners to live in God’s world.
GROWING: It is our ambition that every St Andrew’s pupil is able to find an aspect of physical activity and sport that they love and wish to continue and develop into adulthood. We strive to do this by delivering a high quality PE curriculum which is taught alongside an ever increasing range of sporting activities and opportunities. Our PE sessions are taught within a nurturing and supportive environment which enables our learners to all receive the appropriate level of support they need in order to achieve personal success.
HEALTHY AND ACTIVE LEARNERS: Throughout the school day we encourage our children to make healthy choices and to be active as often as possible. All classes receive 2 hours of PE during curriculum time which is also supported by a range of additional activities within the curriculum as well as during both lunchtime and after-school clubs. Through their work in PE and Science the children also learn the importance of being healthy and active.
TO LIVE IN: We believe that in order for pupils to fully understand and appreciate how vital being physically active is we must ensure that they all become equipped with the appropriate sporting knowledge, skills and experiences that will make them lifelong learners in sport. We want to provide all children with the chance to thrive, not just survive in God’s world, making positive contributions to their local communities through sport.
GOD’S WORLD: Through the use of an ever widening range of sporting activities and opportunities we intend to inspire pupils to appreciate not only our British sporting legacy and heritage but also that from the wider world and other cultures. Through our annual Sports Week festival the children will all have the chance to experience new and innovative physical activities and sports that they may not otherwise have access to. This exciting opportunity also enables the children to learn about the sporting culture and traditions of different countries around the world as well as the Olympic Games and other major sporting events. We encourage our pupils to contribute to their local sporting community, providing links and access to sports clubs and teams for a range of sports.
Implementation and Impact
The above aims can only be achieved through effective teaching and learning in PE lessons and in the wider curriculum. The PE curriculum is knowledge and skills-based, and provides all children with purposeful opportunities for developing these skills in a range of games, activities and sports. Our curriculum closely follows the aims of the National Curriculum for Physical Education 2014. Each class follows REAL PE as a skills progression, taught alongside a second weekly games or sports session.
Planning the Progression Model
To enable children to build up their confidence in these key skills, we ensure that our PE curriculum content follows a clear sequence of progression. Teaching is designed to help learners to remember in the long term the key sports skills they have been taught and to integrate new knowledge into a range of sports. Teachers use REAL PE to teach and develop the core PE skills and then create their own half-termly medium term plans to cover a range of sports including gymnastics, dance, football, hockey, tag-rugby, athletics, basketball, cricket and multi-skills.
The nature of REAL PE enables teachers, and pupils, to continually assess progress and therefore ascertain the appropriate next steps. Each lesson develops a key skill and provides clear stepping stones for progression and development within it. Teachers can scaffold the delivery of lessons to ensure that all pupils are working at the appropriate skill level and are able to successfully extend their skills.
Within the half-termly units teachers make on-going assessments of the children’s skills and abilities and use these to make a formal judgment at the end of the unit. These are recorded on the foundation subject assessment record and are used to identify those children working above or below the typical level for a particular age range. These judgements are then used to help teachers write the pupil’s PE reports.
Within KS2, the class-teacher’s assessments are also used to help choose pupils for particular sporting events and tournaments during the year.
Breadth and Depth
In order to provide a broad PE curriculum, throughout the week, children take part in both knowledge and skills development and specific sports lessons. All classes participate in 2 sessions of high quality PE throughout the week, which is developed further through other curriculum areas as well as playtime, lunchtime and afterschool provisions. The children in Year R have additional access to outside provision for the development of their gross motor skills, with activities including bikes, hoops, scooters, space hoppers and the trim trail.
We aim to provide as many Key Stage Two children as possible with the opportunity to take part in at least one extracurricular sporting activity during the year. This may be as a taster day, workshop, festival or competition. These experiences are then shared with the whole school community via our school newsletter, sports achievement board as well as in our whole school worship.
All children participate in a Sports Day which celebrates sporting participation through a skills workshop as well as traditional races which develop sportsmanship skills.
The whole school also enjoy an annual Sports Week which provides all children the chance to discover and explore new sporting opportunities including those within our local community that they may wish to continue participating in in the future.
Our children are confident and able sports people who love to participate in a range of sporting knowledge and skills activities, tournaments and competitions. They enjoy learning new knowledge and skills and sharing these with others within the school community.
Our annual Sports Week provides the whole school with the opportunity to experience new sports that they may not otherwise have the chance to do, alongside the chance to showcase skills of already known sports. Pupil feedback shows that Sports Week is an incredibly popular event and that the children love having the chance to try new sports as well as learning from a range of sporting professionals. Popular events include golf, rugby, football and Scoot-Fit.
During the 2018-2019 academic year, KS2 children participated in a total of 55 separate sports competitions, tournaments, taster sessions and games within our school locality group. This participation was recorded as one of the highest in the area and also enabled us to secure the Gold Sportsmark Award.
During the 2019-2020 academic year, 55 KS2 children participated in 16 separate sports competitions, tournaments, taster sessions and games between September and March (school closure due to Covid-19).
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