SEND Award
Working Group
SEND and Inclusion Award
As part of our school improvement plan, we have been working on developing our existing effective practice and making changes to improve our provision for all pupils, including those with SEND. Having achieved the Wellbeing Award for Schools last term, we are shortly aiming to achieve the SEND and Inclusion Award for Schools. Our action updates have been shared on the school website and parents are more than welcome at our half termly Parents Forum to learn more.
Key actions last year included:
- Embed Zones of Regulation and Getting to Green class boxes
- Increased parent meetings and contact from SENDCO
- Set up pupil ILP target cards and books
- The Nest (sensory room; The Learning Zone (nurture room); Lunch club; Therapy Dog
- Set up half-termly SEND/Wellbeing parent forum with regular visitors
If you would like to know more, please contact Mrs Cooper or Mrs Mulliss via the school office: or 01293 529006
Key documents
- SEND Working Group response to parents July 2021
- Parents Forum and Working Group Update September 2021
- Working Group Update July 2022