Welcome to Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
On this page, you will find a selection of helpful files and documents that should support you at home.
Class Teachers: Mrs Matson
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Cordery and Mrs Hilton
Year 1 (ID 1088)
Mrs MatsonTeacher
Mrs Matson
Mrs CorderyTA
Mrs Cordery
Mrs HiltonTA
Mrs Hilton
Our Topics
At school we will be learning about real life superheroes! We will learn about William Wilberforce, Edward Jenner and Florence Nightingale. We will be using our historical skills to help us explore the similarities and differences between medical care now and in Victorian times. We will also explore the journeys of superheroes and learn about countries and capital cities of the UK.
Important Information
Read our curriculum information for this year below.
You can also see our current Termly Curriculum News and KSO.
- Curriculum News
- Year 1 foundation subject skills
- Year 1 and 2 Long Term Plan
- Year 1 Writing Skills
- Year 1 Reading Skills
- Year 1 Maths Skills
- Year 1 Science Skills
- Year 1 and Year 2 RE
Home Learning
You can find out more about phonics and reading in EYFS and Key Stage One on our phonics page.
Texts are carefully chosen, both for reading in school and at home, according to children’s development with phonics. The book band progression can be found below. Texts are also assigned regularly on Reading Planet.
Books should be 'decodable', which means that children should be able to read 90-100% of the words on the page independently using sounds they have already been taught. Re-reading books can also help children to build confidence with their decoding skills.
Teachers will sometimes send home books that are not phonically decodable. These books are for sharing and can be read aloud to your child.
Year 1 Reading Skills
Click on the links below to log in to our subscription resources:
Our Class
What's it like in Y1? A 'day in the life'8:40 Arrive at school and write in your 'Have A Go' books
8:55 Register
9:00 Worship
9:15 Maths
10:15 Break outside
10:30 Snack time
10:45 Phonics - learn or practise the pattern for the week
11:15 English - with a reading or writing focus, linking to our topic
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Mastering Number - mental maths strategies, times table and key number facts
1:10 RE
2:10 PSHE
3:00 Reading class story
3:10 Home time
Year 1