Welcome to Year 4!
On this page, you will find a selection of helpful files and documents that should support you at home.
Year 4 (ID 1085)
Mr FindlayTeacher
Mr Findlay
Mrs DunningTA
Mrs Dunning
Important Information
Read our curriculum information for this year below.
You can also see our current Termly Curriculum News and KSO.
- Year 4 foundation subject skills
- Curriculum News Spring Term Year 4
- Year 3 and Year 4 topic rolling programme (B)
- Writing Skills Year 4
- Reading Skills Year 4
- Maths Skills Year 4
- Science Skills Year 4
Our Topics
Extreme Earth
This term we will be learning about Extreme Earth! We will discover how volcanoes are made when pressure builds up inside the earth causing magma to sometimes erupt through the Earth's crust. We will learn that active volcanoes have erupted in the last 10000 years while dormant volcanoes haven’t erupted in the last 10 000 years but may erupt again. We will explore what a tsunami is...a giant wave caused by a huge earthquake under the ocean. The earthquake causes a large amount of water to be displaced very quickly causing a series of waves. As the waves travel through shallower water near land, they get bigger and bigger. The wave crash onto the land causing devastation to buildings and sometimes even lives.
Curriculum News Spring Term Year 4Home Learning
Year 4
Reading - 15 minutes daily
Spellings - 5 minutes daily
Purple Mash - 15 minutes twice a week
Year 4 pupils to also practice times tables on TTRS (Times Table Rock Stars).
Our school uses Accelerated Reader to support children to access texts that are appropriately challenging and engaging. As part of our school home learning expectations, children should read 5 times a week (15 minutes for Year 3 and 4; 20 minutes for Year 5 and 6). This is in addition to regular independent reading at school. Children are also required to complete Accelerated Reader quizzes when they finish books. Your child’s class teacher regularly checks Accelerated Reader and can see the books that children read. Children also complete a simple reading log so that texts which do not have Accelerated Reader quizzes are recorded. This replaces the need for children to fill in traditional reading diaries every time they read, ensures children are motivated and engaged, and gives the teacher helpful information about their reading habits and choices. On top of this, each child in Key Stage Two has access to 1000 e-books through MYON.
Year 4 Spellings Spring 1
The overview of weekly spellings can be found below. Children will be tested weekly.
Week 1 spelling test – Friday 17th January 2025
Week 2 spelling test – Friday 24nd January 2025
Week 3 spelling test – Friday 31th January 2025
Week 4 spelling test – Friday 7th February 2025
Week 5 spelling test – Friday 14th February 2025
Group A
Group B
Times table sessions take place regularly in Year 4. Please see below for some useful links to support your child in becoming more fluent with their times table facts up to 12 x 12.
Click on the links below to log in to our subscription resources:
Our Class
What's it like in Y4? A 'day in the life'
8:40 Arrive at school, register, free writing, times table practice and/or quiet reading.
8:55 Register
9:00 Worship
9:30 Maths
10:30 Break outside
10:45 Phonics or handwriting - learn or practise the pattern for the week.
11:10 English - with a reading or writing focus, linking to our topic.
12:10 Lunch
1.10 Register, quiet reading/ Accelerated Reader quiz
1:20 R.E
2:20 Art
3:05 Class story
3:15 Home time