Welcome to Year 6!
On this page, you will find a selection of helpful files and documents that should support you at home.
Class Teachers: Mrs Jeffery and Mrs Davies (Thursday)
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Blandford, Mrs Ahmed
Year 6 (ID 1084)
Mrs JefferyTeacher
Mrs Jeffery
Mrs BlandfordTA
Mrs Blandford
Mrs AhmedTA
Mrs Ahmed
Mrs DaviesTeacher (Thursdays)
Mrs Davies
Mrs MullissTeacher (Maths)
Mrs Mulliss
Read our curriculum information for this year below.
You can also see our current Termly Curriculum News and KSO.
- Autumn Curriculum News
- Autumn KSO
- Year 6 foundation subject skills
- Year 5 and Year 6 topic rolling programme B
- Writing Skills Year 6
- Reading Skills Year 6
- Maths Skills Year 6
- Science Skills Year 6
Our Topics
World War Two
Our topic for the Autumn term is 'WW2'.
We will study ‘Friend or Foe’, a narrative text set in World War Two. Using this key text we will first write narratives based on the existing plot, followed by creating our own chapter within the book. Key grammatical skills will include: expanded noun phrases, a variety of clauses, effective dialogue and fronted adverbials in our writing. We will move onto studying non chronological reports and write our own reports based on WW2 planes and air-raid shelters.
In history, we will carry out a depth study into the events of World War Two, particularly in England. Areas of focus include: countries involved in WW2, The Blitz, Evacuation, Rationing and Women at Work. We will develop our understanding of primary and secondary sources, as well as bias in different accounts. We will experience a workshop about evacuation and a National Rail visit to a station.
Home Learning
The overview of weekly spellings can be found below. Children will be tested weekly.
Click on the links below to log in to our subscription resources:
Our Class
Year 6
What's it like in Y6? A 'day in the life'
8:40 Arrive at school and read quietly
8:55 Register
9:00 Worship
9:20 Fluent in 5 - mental Maths strategies, times table and key number facts
9:30 Maths
10:30 Break outside
10:45 Phonics or handwriting - learn or practise the pattern for the week
11:10 English - with a reading or writing focus, linking to our topic
12:10 Lunch
1:10 Register and silent reading
1:20 Lesson 1
2:10 Lesson 2
3:05 Reading class story
3:15 Home time